How Do I Get Plundered Blue Captains Hat
Aloha! We bring you a complete guide to all the rewards and the methods to get all of them in the Island Expeditions.
Guide to get all the rewards of the Island Expeditions
How do you get the rewards?
Our goal is to go after the creatures of a specific race and eliminate all the rare and elites related to them. I am going to give you a practical example: if we are interested in the mount eternal dog by qinsho our priority will be all the rares and elites of the Mogu race.
But before I put the whole list of objects and relationships between creatures and rewards, I am going to give you some tips to maximize your loot opportunities:
- The recommended and common thing is that the Farming Expeditions are done in Normal. You will have to control more the production of Azerite yours and the enemy but the enemies will do less damage, you can do bigger pulls, it is done faster and the rewards do not vary according to the difficulty. If you don't look confident then try Heroic.
- The configuration recommended is dps-heal-tank. 2 dps-heal is also valid. At one end there is also 3 dps to bag but bear in mind that many creatures with a single attack dress us as a bullfighter and it is very easy to wipe, wasting a lot of time to resurrect.
- Before going to sack, inspect the island. Where is each race, routes, etc ... This will make you have detected each of the races on the island.
- It is strictly forbidden to farm Azerite ores, collect normal chests and complete missions. This will make you reach the limit faster and possibly complete the expedition before getting a good number of creatures.
- Rotting Wooden Chests can be opened. These chests are "traps", they do not give Azerite but several creatures come out along with an elite that comes to us with pearls to increase the chances of loot with their race.
- When we have visualized the races, gather several groups of elites and rares, AoE party. But be careful, there are many rares that have attacks that incapacitate and lower us more than 60% of life.
- If Azerite Elementals come out IGNORE THEM. It is not recommended to get Azerite and they do not have any reward attached to them.
- Be careful with the enemy side! In normal the cut is 9k. If you see that you are very short, almost with all the races finished and they exceed you then it is time to pay them a visit. It can be easily lost if the enemy side is not taken into account. They are not going to farm mounts, you are.
- After a few minutes and with enough finished elites / rares the invasion will begin. Top priority . There are many, with them your chances of loot increase a lot.
Island invasion calendar
Here is the calendar for the events that will be added each week over the next two months:
- Week of October 9: Water Elementals.
- Week of October 16: Air Elementals.
- Week of October 23: Black Dragons.
- Week of October 30: Tol'vir.
- Week of November 6: Twilight Dragons.
- Week of November 13: Old Gods.
Possible rewards
- Squawking
- Qinsho's Eternal Hound
- Craghorn Jumping
- Surge jellyfish
- Twilight Avenger
- Oomgut Ritual Drum
- Mustache wax candle
- Bad mojo plantain
- Magic Monkey Banana
- Enchanted Soup Stone
- Captain Eminence
- Slippery
- Barnaby
- serum
- red
- pulpit
- Solescama Breeding
- Sangrite Tunneller
- Cold Light Mail
- Voru'kar Parasitator
- Kunchong breeding
- Young conchasalada
- Buffiditos
- Musk Flank Hatchling
- beater
- Shimmer Shell Sand Crawler
- Smiling flame
- Little colleague cardozarza
- Laughing Endstone
- Playful hoof
- Little hooves
- Mischievous zephyr
- Webbite Spider
- Stinger Dead Scorpid
- Artificial hammer
- Young Rockhoof
- Valvarena beetle
- Tinder cub
- Plundered Sharp Shot Longbow
- Plundered Troll Ceremonial Facebreaker
- Plundered Steelplitter
- Plundered Waterspeaker Spellblade
- Plundered Trident Spike
- Plundered Twin Scale Handblade
- Tizona jinyu plundered
- Plundered Vanguard Trident
- Plundered jinyu spear
- Plundered Hozen Chieftain's Staff
- Plundered Winged Blade Ax
- Plundered Fiery Geode Mace
- Blade of the Northern Kings plundered
- Plundered Dragonfist Wand
- Plundered Sandfury Blade
- Plundered Junglestalker Talon
- Plundered Tiki-Linked Blade
- Plundered Voodoo Dance Staff
- Looted sand-covered fetish
- Plundered Corrupted Scarab Staff
- Plundered Spiral Scepter
- Plundered Silverpaw Staff
- Fists torn by a looted bear
- Plundered Frost Scepter
- Plundered Guardian's Staff
- Plundered Desert Hector
- Plundered Sea Tusk Spud
- Plundered Dark Blade of the Old Gods
- Plundered Twinblade of the Tol'vir
- Plundered Petrified Seaweed Blade
- Plundered Coralscale Claw
- Plundered Dragon's Roar Cannon
- Plundered Wind's Fury
- Plundered Sapling Seed
- Looted Geode Gavel
- Plundered Mrggll Smasher
- Bow of the Plundered Chosen
- Plundered heavy mace
- Plundered Obsidian Scale Crusher
- Looted Sandstone Mallet
- Plundered Sand Dweller's Scimitar
- Plundered Oracle's Fin Staff
- Plundered Ember Crystal Staff
- Plundered Thorned Staff
- Plundered fury scale ax
- Wand of Tentacular Horror Plundered
- Plundered Twilight Grinder
- Plundered Darkscale Blade
- Plundered Amber Sniper
- Plundered Amber Smith's Egg
- Looted Codex of Eldritch Vision
- Plundered Frostbite
- Plundered Essence Fountain Scepter
- Plundered Mace of the Paragon
- Plundered Linked Carapace Tizona
- Plundered Sea Glass Blade
- Plundered Swarm Blade
- Plundered Ice Etched Ax
- Plundered Skullsplitter
- Plundered Death Proclamation Wand
- Plundered raging polearm
- Plundered Farakki Slicer
- Plundered Jade Starblade
- Torga's Blessed Bulwark Plundered
- Plundered Totem Barrier
- Plundered Mogu Scepter
- Plundered Jade Fury Shield
- Plundered Binding Wand of Light
- Plundered Celestial Finblade
- Plundered Waterbearer's Staff
- Plundered Tenderizer Shredder
- Plundered Horn Grinder
- Plundered Shadow-Infused Blade
- Plundered Heart Slicer
- Plundered Punching Fists
- Sea-Strengthened Staff Plundered
- Plundered Inkjet
- Plundered Molten Reaper
- Plundered Petrified Tree
- Plundered Crag Facebreaker
- Plundered Horcrust Greatsword
- Plundered intimidation polearm
- Plundered Guiding Bulwark of Light
- Plundered Fireheart Grinder
- Plundered fiery caster's staff
- Plundered Long Hunting Bow
- Plundered Spiked Dagger
- Plundered Blue Captain's Hat
- Plundered Crimson Captain's Hat
- Plundered Pirate Admiral Bicorn
- Gjalerbron Pauldrons Plundered
- Plundered Dragonrider Spaulders
- Plundered Runecaster's Mantle
- Plundered Shovelhide Shoulderpads
Complete sets
- Arachnid Acolyte Set (Cloth)
- Hydraxis Set (cloth)
- Frozen Winds Set (Fabric)
- Faceless Follower Set (Cloth)
- Swarm's Fury Set (Cloth)
- Spirit Branch Set (Leather)
- Mist Stalker Set (Leather)
- Spinning Mystic Set (Leather)
- Feral Bark Set (Leather)
- Fire Debt Set (Leather)
- Wild Marauder Set (Mail)
- Dragon Rider Set (Mail)
- Saurok Scale Set (Mesh)
- Mrrglurggl Set (Mesh)
- Head reducer set (mesh)
- Voodoo Stalker Set (Mesh)
- Twilight Dragon Set (Badges)
- Georiginal Set (Badges)
- Sharpfin Set (plates)
- Tomb Guardian Set (Plates)
- Bloodtrace Set (Badges)
- Resonant Bones Set (Plates)
- Elemental core
- Toothed coin
- Reef ring
- Ancient Crypt Key
- Murloc Eye
- Vorus'arak Shell
- Broken compass
- Magic spyglass
- Druidic fur
- Glittering beetle
- Frostfang Fur Cloak
- Business plan for Ventura y Cía.
- Bloodtrail Drinking Horn
Relationship between creatures and rewards What does each type of creature drop?
Special breeds
- The Air Elementals are related to rewards Mischievous zephyr, Elemental core y Spinning Mystic Set (Leather).
- The Black dragons are related to rewards Plundered Darkscale Blade, Plundered Dragon's Roar Cannon, Plundered Obsidian Scale Crusher y Dragon Rider Set (Mail).
- The Elementals of Earth are related to rewards Laughing Endstone, Looted Geode Gavel, Plundered Fiery Geode Mace y Georiginal Set (Badges).
- The Ancient gods are related to rewards sinuous mass, Looted Codex of Eldritch Vision, Plundered Dark Blade of the Old Gods, Plundered Shadow-Infused Blade, Wand of Tentacular Horror Plundered y Faceless Follower Set (Cloth).
- The Fire Elementals are related to rewards Smiling flame, Plundered Ember Crystal Staff, Plundered Molten Reaper y Fire Debt Set (Leather).
- The Hozen are related to rewards Bad mojo plantain, Magic Monkey Banana, Toothed coin, Plundered Hozen Chieftain's Staff y Regenerating banana bunch.
- The jinyu are related to rewards Jinyu light sphere, Plundered jinyu spear y Razorfin Set (plates)
- The Goblin are related to reward Mustache wax candle
- The Kvaldir are related to rewards Mist Stalker Set (Leather) y Reef ring
- The Makrura are related to reward Young conchasalada
- The Mantid are related to rewards Kunchong breeding, Sonic stone, Plundered Mace of the Paragon, Plundered Swarm Blade, Plundered Amber Sniper, Plundered Linked Carapace Tizona, Plundered Amber Smith's Egg, Plundered Amber Sniper y Swarm's Fury Set (Cloth)
- The Mogu are related to rewards Ancient Crypt Key, Qinsho's Eternal Hound y Tomb Guardian Set (Plates)
- The Murlocs are related to rewards pulpit, Plundered Mrggll Smasher, Cold Light Mail, Murloc Eye y Mrrglurggl Set (Mesh)
- The Nagas are related to rewards red, pulpit, Plundered Vanguard Trident, Sea-Strengthened Staff Plundered y Plundered fury scale ax
- The Nerubians are related to rewards Voru'kar Parasitator, Vorus'arak Shell y Arachnid Acolyte Set (Cloth)
- The Pirates are related to rewards Squawking, Captain Eminence, Barnaby, Plundered Blue Captain's Hat, Plundered Crimson Captain's Hat, Plundered Pirate Admiral Bicorn, Broken compass y Magic spyglass
- The Ancient Druids are related to rewards Plundered Sapling Seed, Plundered Silverpaw Staff, Plundered Thorned Staff, Druidic fur y Feral Bark Set (Leather)
- The Saurok are related to rewards Plundered fury scale ax y Saurok Scale Set (Mesh)
- The Tol'vir are related to rewards Plundered Sand Dweller's Scimitar, Plundered Corrupted Scarab Staff, Plundered Twinblade of the Tol'vir y Glittering beetle
- The Trolls are related to rewards Frostfang Fur Cloak, Plundered Desert Hector, Plundered Farakki Slicer, Plundered Junglestalker Talon, Plundered Sandfury Blade, Looted sand-covered fetish, Plundered Tiki-Linked Blade, Plundered Totem Barrier, Plundered Troll Ceremonial Facebreaker y Voodoo Stalker Set (Mesh)
- The Twilight Dragons are related to rewards Twilight Avenger, Dragon Rider Set (Mail), Twilight Dragon Set (Badges)
- The Ventura and Co. are related to reward Business plan for Ventura y Cía.
- The Vrykul are related to rewards Blade of the Northern Kings plundered, Plundered Steelplitter, Bloodtrace Set (Badges) y Bloodtrail Drinking Horn
- The Water elementals are related to rewards Playful hoof, Plundered Frost Scepter, Elemental core y Hydraxis Set (cloth)
Common creatures
- The crabs are related to rewards Slippery y Valvarena beetle
- The Cliffhorn Yeti are related to reward Craghorn Jumping
- The Deer are related to rewards little hooves
- The Gorillas are related to rewards Artificial hammer
- The Cabras are related to rewards Young Rockhoof
- The Pygmies are related to rewards Oomgut Ritual Drum
- The Beetles are related to rewards Valvarena beetle
- The Scorpions are related to rewards Stinger Dead Scorpid
- The Spiders are related to rewards Arachnid Acolyte Set (Cloth)
- The Elves are related to rewards Little colleague cardozarza
- The Troggs are related to rewards Enchanted Soup Stone
- The Turtles are related to rewards Young conchasalada y Beater
- The Wendigos are related to rewards Craghorn Jumping
- The Winged dragons are related to rewards Solescama Breeding
- The Worms are related to rewards Sangrite Tunneller
- The Yak are related to rewards Musk Flank Hatchling y Buffiditos
- The yungol are related to rewards [Yaungol Oil Stove] y Wild Marauder Set (Mail)
Source: Warcraft Secrets.
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